ROG Strix XG17AHPE 17.3in Full HD IPS 240Hz Portable Gaming Monitor w/ 7,800mAH Battery, micro HDMI, USB Type-C (DP in Alt Mode)
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Tuesday, July 5, 2022
By: Don
From: Burnaby
Excellent portable monitor
Solid battery life, far exceeds the laptops I have
Great colour and brightness
Perfect size that it stacks with larger laptops in a bag.
Erratic connectivity, seems to get an attitude about whether it'll turn on or not.
Sometimes it charges from the USB-C connection... and other times it drains out. Not entirely perfect, it would seem
The screen cover is worthless as a stand. Anticipate to get some sort of stand that uses the camera attachment on the back.
Additional Comments:
First one failed after a month of use, second one is holding up so far after 2 weeks of hard labour, but this second unit seems to be doing some strange things at this point. When it works it's amazing, but I feel like it's a gamble whether it'll turn on, stay running, and then work hard all day.
Get the warranty. I don't anticipate long-term reliability from this unit.
Saturday, July 4, 2020
By: AL
From: edmonton
-color calibrated with report in box.
-can be set to 10 bit color in Nvidia control panel but it is not HDR capable.
-excellent gaming performance IMO.
-fast GTG transitions as advertised, I have not noticed any blur or overshoot in the default over drive mode.
-built-in speakers are pretty reasonable..laptop type performance but not a lot of base though.
-headphone jack included. (no mic jack)
-monitor control menus are comparable to other Rog monitors. ie crosshairs, fps counters, OD, freesync/gsync, profiles,etc.
-the magnetic cover/stand is irritating when moving the screen or re-adjusting it to different angles.
It basically comes detached from the cover and falls down flat.
-there is a solution you can buy as a stand replacement from Memex.
The Kanto DS200W Stand (MX78201) works using the camera mount attachment to connect to the back of the monitor.
-the Kanto DS200W has swivel, and you can adjust the angle (top manual tension knob), and the height and even tilt vertical.
-there is another model of this monitor that includes a ROG stand but is too expensive IMO.
-only includes 1 USB-C cable. - bare minimum. Would be nice to have a separate one for charging and 2 for inputs : usb-c(display-port), Hdmi.
-an angled Usb-C adapter would have been more elegant as well or just have the port on the back to hide the cable.
-since the use case for this is portability I can overlook it.
Additional Comments:
A very good fast small gaming monitor.
You can use the USB-C connector on some Nvidia 20 Series cards to power/charge and display with 1 cable, a nice clean look if you don't like power cords.
I find playing games on this monitor nice since everything is in my field of view. i have owned 34" 1440p, 27" 1440p monitors, but for some reason I really enjoy this monitor. It could be the higher refresh rates at lower resolution, but besides that it feels overall good, maybe 127 PPI pixel density just looks crisper and my eyes fatigue less since I don't have to scan far with my eyes to read or search for enemies when gaming.
As far as the weaknesses, for portability the magnetic cover should work fine for most. if you plan to use this as an extra permanent monitor I suggest you look at the stand I mentioned or any stand you like that uses a camera mount type.
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