Corporate Sales

memoryexpress Corporate Sales

for all your business IT needs.

Regardless of the size of your business, the memoryexpress Corporate Sales team are here to ensure all your IT needs are met!
From software licensing to enterprise-grade hardware, our experienced corporate sales team
will help you find the best solutions to keep your business running smoothly.

  • Dedicated sales and support staff to meet your IT needs
  • Access to thousands of additional products including software licensing, enterprise grade hardware and more
  • Access to institutional and educational pricing
  • Access to credit terms and additional payment options
  • Various options to enhance or extend your warranty coverage with IPR, warranty and support plans

Contact a Corporate Sales Representative and start benefiting today!


Corporate Sales

(604) 242-9050

William Ma

(604) 242-9050 ext. 3318

Daniel Anakotta

(604) 242-9050 ext. 3317

Alex Chong

(604) 242-9050 ext. 3316


Jenny Mach

Calgary NE

(403) 930-8286

KD Mach

Calgary SE

(403) 930-5024

Corporate Sales

Calgary NW

(403) 930-5016


Ramone Davie

Edmonton West

(780) 784-9799

Tim Christiansen

Edmonton South

(780) 784-1181


David Kon

(204) 772-6177


Corporate Sales

(306) 986-3937


Mannfred Canupin

(250) 940-5150


Tricia Alcantara

(647) 417-8201 ext. 5515

Apply for Net30 Credit Account

At memoryexpress, we offer terms up to 30 days for approved businesses, companies, government and educational institutions.

To Apply, please fill out the Net 30 Credit Application and send it to the appropriate Corporate Sales Representative.
If you have any additional questions or require any help, please don't hesitate to contact one of us and we'll glady help you out.

Please allow 2 to 5 business days for processing.
(for businesses, companies, government and educational institution customers only)