M705 Marathon Wireless Laser Mouse
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Tuesday, April 5, 2022
By: Kelly
From: Edmonton
Everything is good for the most part
The right mouse click button is weak and this is the second one I have purchased.
Everything will work fine for a few months and then you need to start pressing down firmly to make it register.
It is overall not something to purchase especially if you're using it for Autocad or Fusion 360, it tends to get really frustrating.
Additional Comments:
I feel you may want to get extended warranty on this product or look for something else
Thursday, July 26, 2018
By: Geoff
From: Winnipeg
- great battery life
- I'm on the same batteries since I got it at then end of Dec 2015 and have almost never turned it off
- side scrolling wheel
- shift between clicky scroll wheel to smooth
- comfortable
- no frills
Additional Comments:
I'm surprised by the bad reviews here because this is one of the best mid-priced mouse I've ever used.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
By: Joe Balaze
From: Calgary
Terrible mouse.
It was okay at the beginning, but after a few months, it seemed to have a mind of its own. The scroll was off balance and did not work properly. Also, the left click button had issues where I had to click several times for an action to occur
Additional Comments:
There are other mice out there which are better for the same price. My opinion is to stay away from this particular model.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
By: Jeremy
From: Vancouver
Performance, reliability, features, comfort, battery life
Side scroll isn't good
Additional Comments:
This is by far the best mouse I've ever used. I've used one at work and home for 5 years, just replaced the one at home and replacing the one at work today. Both started showing signs of age a few months ago, but I'm an avid gamer and video editor, so they get heavy use.
I feel like these people giving it negative reviews for bad scrolling are talking about when the mouse wheel is unlocked. It has a lock button for a reason...you only unlock the smooth scroll when you need it.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
By: QaaD
From: Calgary
Saturday, May 28, 2016
By: Rick B
From: Calgary
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
By: Steve
From: Calgary
-Extreme battery life
-Surface finish wears a bit too easy
Additional Comments:
This is by far the best mobile mouse I've owned. The First one I had lasted 4 yrs 3 of which were on the original batteries, being used everyday till the left click gave out mid 4th year. Bought a second one and still just as happy.
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