Startech 6x1 cm Replacement Ball Bearing Fan w/ TX3 Connector

MX1046 6x1 cm Replacement Ball Bearing Fan w/ TX3 Connector
MX1046 6x1 cm Replacement Ball Bearing Fan w/ TX3 Connector

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Saturday, November 25, 2023
By: Hunter Hryciuk
From: canada manitoba winnipeg

startech 60mm case fan


Great fan, strong with lots of flow


Will be noisy if u dont use a a fan noise reducer due to 3 pin connector meansing now pwm controlable

Additional Comments:

Great fan, The reason why i bought it was i bought ekwb ddc 4.2 pump then i also purchased a ekwb ddc heatsink pump heatsink which got super hot so i knew the heatsink was doing it job so i decided to add some extra cooling; fit a 60mm fan on it so it runs at with the low noise reducer around 1,705 rpm. Super noisey fan if no noise reducer but when set to quiet or strandard or turbo fast. Each setting the fan is not that bad. Great product for the right part.
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