Pro X SUPERLIGHT 2 Wireless Gaming Mouse, White w/ Hero 2 Sensor, 32,000 DPI, LightSpeed Wireless
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Sunday, October 8, 2023
By: khen
From: Winnipeg
-New Omron Optical Hybrid Switches (Slightly heavier than Omron 20Ms and alot more tactile) It's feels really good for 1 tapping in game. It has a metallic pingy noise.
-Same TTC Silver Encoder but the steps are less defined compared to the V1. It's smoother now and great if you have jump binded on your scroll wheel.
-Slightly bigger battery now has 290mah compared to the V1 that has 240mah
-USB Type C
-Uses Nordic MCU paired with the new Hero 2 sensor that's now capable of going 2K hz (wireless only)
-Very nice motion latency and click latency performance
-Battery life at 2000hz polling rate is superb ( I been using mine for a bout a week now at 2000hz and I'm still at 66% battery life, compared to Razer 4K and other chinese mouse at 4K they only last for about 3 days)
-Exact same matte coating that is grippy for people with moist and sweaty hands but it's slippery for people with dry hands.
-Cleaning cloth
-Price (extremely expensive, I'd wait for it to go on sale unless money ain't the issue)
- Accessories in the box are horrible, It has the exact same grip tape that offers no grip, and rubber cable USB type C
-Side buttons are slightly improved but it's still mushy. Theres plenty of pre travel still but the post travel has been reduced.
-Different bottom skates design but Logitech still using the old paper thin PTFE skates underneath
-Useless power play feature (nobody really uses this)
Additional Comments:
It's a modern G Pro X Superlight. I believe Logitech might release a FW update in the near future to further improve the performance, perhaps a 4K FW update would be pretty nice.
This mouse running at 2,000Hz polling rate is best paired with a 280hz+ monitor. I highly recommend the Zowie XL2566K for 1080p or the ASUS PG27AQN (both available from Memory Express) to go with this mouse.
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