Asus TUF Gaming Radeon RX 7900 XTX OC Edition 24G PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI

MX00124780 TUF Gaming Radeon RX 7900 XTX OC Edition 24G  PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI
MX00124780 TUF Gaming Radeon RX 7900 XTX OC Edition 24G  PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI MX00124780 TUF Gaming Radeon RX 7900 XTX OC Edition 24G  PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI MX00124780 TUF Gaming Radeon RX 7900 XTX OC Edition 24G  PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI MX00124780 TUF Gaming Radeon RX 7900 XTX OC Edition 24G  PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5.0 / 5 With 2 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Saturday, November 9, 2024
By: Joe
From: Edmonton



Great card, Quiet and Cool.



Additional Comments:

Working Flawless, Been Running AMD almost Exclusively since 2001 and This Doesn't Disappoint. Replaced My STRIX RX 6750 XT, and the performance gains are almost double Playing at 2,560 x 1,440! Highly Recommend .No Complaints at all.
Thursday, November 2, 2023
By: Logan Shuya
From: Edmonton, Alberta

Great card and high quality build! Just a bit chonky.


The fit and finish of this card is great. ASUS nailed it on quality and feel. Not too much plastic. Most of it is metal which helps with thermals. Card is whisper quiet. And performs very well. Comes factory OC’d and is easy to work with using the Adrenalin software. Thermals are amazing as well.


It’s BIG. Like massive. From what I’m aware, this card uses the same cooler as the 4090. I originally went with a smaller card but ended up with this after the original card failed. Had to buy a new case but I have to say it was worth it for the card.

Additional Comments:

Highly recommend this card if you’re looking to join team red.
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