MX00124449 Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX GAMING TRIO CLASSIC 24G PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI
MX00124449 Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX GAMING TRIO CLASSIC 24G PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI MX00124449 Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX GAMING TRIO CLASSIC 24G PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI MX00124449 Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX GAMING TRIO CLASSIC 24G PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI MX00124449 Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX GAMING TRIO CLASSIC 24G PCI-E w/ Triple DP, HDMI

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 2.0 / 5 With 2 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Thursday, November 2, 2023
By: Logan Shuya
From: Edmonton, Alberta

MSI QC Issues


- Quiet - Smaller (allows for use in smaller cases) - Comes with a handy anti-sag bracket


- Not the best looking - QC Issues - MSI Customer Support Sucks

Additional Comments:

Had this card for 3 months. After which the card developed artifacting and had to be brought in to the store for testing. This left me without a PC for almost a week. The card seemed to run games at advertised speeds. Not the best looking card but it was the only brand that offered a 7900 XTX in a size that I could fit in my case. After the card was deemed defective the store offered a different brand 7900 XTX. The replacement has been working great ever since.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
By: Reviewer
From: Canada

Great card but suffers from manufacturing and/or driver issues


Great card but suffers from manufacturing and/or driver issues.


Frequent skips and frozen screens led to at least one AMD error report a day causing the driver to crash. Monitoring the card with the AMD software did not indicate any high temperatures or other telltale signs. Eventually this issue showed up on "AMD's known issues" on their driver release notes.

Additional Comments:

This card bricked itself after two months of use. The issues could be related but I am not sure. Given the card's ability to pump out awesome graphics but then sputter at random times and eventually die while the GPU core sits at 40° C makes this card very unreliable.
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