HyperX SoloCast USB Condenser Gaming Microphone -White

MX00122679 SoloCast USB Condenser Gaming Microphone -White
MX00122679 SoloCast USB Condenser Gaming Microphone -White MX00122679 SoloCast USB Condenser Gaming Microphone -White MX00122679 SoloCast USB Condenser Gaming Microphone -White MX00122679 SoloCast USB Condenser Gaming Microphone -White

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Friday, December 27, 2024
By: Jackson
From: Calgary

A great beginner mic for streaming


tap to mute, compact, adjustable stand I've been streaming on Twitch for about three years and I love this microphone. It doesn't get in the way on my small desk, it takes very little setup, and the audio quality is very decent!


USB mic

Additional Comments:

I switched to a Logitech microphone at one point and had to give that to my roommate and go back to my Hyper X Solocast. I will probably eventually upgrade to a better quality XLR microphone but until then, this one is perfect for what I use it for.
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