Push+ USB 3.2 Gen 1 Flash Drive, 64GB
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Saturday, June 10, 2023
By: Glenn
From: Calgary
Good price. Was in stock...
I needed exFAT due to large file size. Four 4GB files and I figured the write speed would not be too bad. Wrong. Worse I have seen on a USB drive (USB-A). Very slow - unfortunately
Additional Comments:
I will look at a different brand next time (and do some research). While the price is good, the speed shows not a value purchase.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
By: Greg
From: Saskatoon
Smooth transfer both ways.
12MB/s write makes it great for background xfer, bad if in a rush.
120MB/s read IF you HDD fast enough(4TB plater or SSD drive).
USB 2.0 slots max out at 33MB/s.
Additional Comments:
Great price for size and quality. Only used once but xfers were smooth. less than 10% variance.
Default FAT32 format. Over 4GB files require exFAT / NTFS (slower but more compatible than exFAT).
Formatting usually lowers performance.
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