M65 RGB ULTRA Tunable FPS Optical Gaming Mouse, Black
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Sunday, September 29, 2024
By: Marius Z
From: Vancouver
I love this mouse. And hate it. It looks great, it feels great, and works great when it does work.
But I'm on my 5th mouse, and every one has, after 4-6 months, developed an issue with the LMB. There is a hardware click from the mouse, but the effect is either a double click, or no click is registered at all. Nothing, hardware or software fixes it. You can update the firmware, update iCue, run iCue, not run iCue, plug into different USB port, blow air under the button, take it apart and clean it, nothing. So I'm giving up on it.
Additional Comments:
BTW, their keyboard, K70, now has an issue with doubling up the 'n' key press. I have to proofread everything I type, and retype passwords several times.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
By: Lorne
From: Calgary
Onboard settings memory.
Good DPI Range.
Extra buttons.
Sniper button.
Intergrated cross-device settings software. (Aura)
Customizeable weight.
No Linux Native software.
One of the more expensive mice on the market.
Additional Comments:
Despite having no Linux software and the software not working in a VM, Saving the settings to the mouse in Windows configures the device and the settings are persistent between machines and operating systems. No resident driver software running in the background necessary.
The DPI range available to the mouse is among the highest available on the market.
You can set 5 different DPI settings individually that you can cycle through plus an additional DPI setting associated with the sniper button.
The Sniper button, a temporary DPI setting on a momentary switch (Usually low but customizeable) is useful, not only in FPS games but in programs like Photo Shop when precise pixel to pixel control is desired during an action.
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