Mee Audio Lightweight Mini Tripod for Webcams, Action Cam and Cameras

MX00116605 Lightweight Mini Tripod for Webcams, Action Cam and Cameras
MX00116605 Lightweight Mini Tripod for Webcams, Action Cam and Cameras MX00116605 Lightweight Mini Tripod for Webcams, Action Cam and Cameras MX00116605 Lightweight Mini Tripod for Webcams, Action Cam and Cameras MX00116605 Lightweight Mini Tripod for Webcams, Action Cam and Cameras

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 1.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Wednesday, June 1, 2022
By: Thomas Kryton
From: Calgary

Save your money


Bought this to hold a Logitech Brio. While the legs extend there isn't a way to lock them in place, so with any kind of weight on it or tension from the cable it collapses. As soon as the cable is attached to the camera the tripod's first instinct is to fall over and play dead even with the legs fully retracted.

Additional Comments:

Not worth the $10.00
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