Thermaltake Challenger Prime V2 Membrane Gaming Keyboard

MX00119855 Challenger Prime V2 Membrane Gaming Keyboard
MX00119855 Challenger Prime V2 Membrane Gaming Keyboard MX00119855 Challenger Prime V2 Membrane Gaming Keyboard MX00119855 Challenger Prime V2 Membrane Gaming Keyboard MX00119855 Challenger Prime V2 Membrane Gaming Keyboard

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 1.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Monday, March 25, 2024
By: Ryan from Hamilton
From: Hamilton ON

This thing is trash


It's backlit.


Keys wearing after less than 3 months use. Ctrl+Down doesn't work, ever. The programmable keys rely on an app that looks like it was designed for Windows 95. You cannot remap keys to other executables, so you are stuck with whatever they want you to use. Macros do not allow you to map to .exe files either. It's not mechanical, and it SQUEAKS LIKE CRAZY on the buttons. The app also stops working when your computer goes to sleep, and has a tendency to forget your settings, which is very unhelpful. I'll be throwing this keyboard away and never buying one like it ever again.

Additional Comments:

Bought it on the hope it was maybe a diamond in the rough. It's not. Pass on this and get a true mechanical keyboard from a reputable vendor. I regret this purchase and would never recommend this thing. Calling it garbage is an insult to garbage.
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