D-Link DIR-1750 AC1750 Dual Band Wireless Router

MX79509 DIR-1750 AC1750 Dual Band Wireless Router
MX79509 DIR-1750 AC1750 Dual Band Wireless Router MX79509 DIR-1750 AC1750 Dual Band Wireless Router MX79509 DIR-1750 AC1750 Dual Band Wireless Router

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 2.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Monday, April 20, 2020
By: Daren
From: Calgary

Unreliable - after a replacement, router reboots randomly and frequently.


Decent configurability, good range.


Router reboots spontaneously 1-3 times per day. The original one rebooted ~3 times per day. Exchanged it for another, which reboots 1-3 times per day (slight improvement, but still bad).

Additional Comments:

I've tried two of these now (MemX exchanged the first one), and they both exhibit the same random reboot problem. Not recommended.
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