Patriot Supersonic Rage Elite USB Flash Drive, 1TB

MX78520 Supersonic Rage Elite USB Flash Drive, 1TB
MX78520 Supersonic Rage Elite USB Flash Drive, 1TB MX78520 Supersonic Rage Elite USB Flash Drive, 1TB MX78520 Supersonic Rage Elite USB Flash Drive, 1TB MX78520 Supersonic Rage Elite USB Flash Drive, 1TB

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Saturday, September 19, 2020
By: Mike S
From: Edmonton, AB

Large USB, acceptable performance


I bought this USB nearly a year ago (Oct 30 2019). It has not exceeded performance over any other USB 3.x USB stick I have but it has been a reliable 1TB amount of storage which is huge beside the collection of 16GB sticks I have. While it may not have exceed performance of other USB 3 sticks I have, it also does not fall behind. And it is faster than the USB 2.0 WD external 1TB storage drive I have. So I would comfortably recommend this product if you can justify the price. I got lucky and got it on sale.


If you are not buying this USB expecting a HUGE performance gain over other USB 3 sticks, none.

Additional Comments:

Great amount of storage, acceptable performance.
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