Thrustmaster GP XID Pro Gamepad for PC

MX73939 GP XID Pro Gamepad for PC
MX73939 GP XID Pro Gamepad for PC MX73939 GP XID Pro Gamepad for PC MX73939 GP XID Pro Gamepad for PC MX73939 GP XID Pro Gamepad for PC

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 2.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Tuesday, February 8, 2022
By: Joe
From: Calgary

Functional, I guess....


- True plug n play on PC - Inexpensive - Cable seems durable - Orange and black aesthetic for bonus gamer points?


- Dear god the feel in hand - What is this made of - Button lettering rubbed off after literally one session - But seriously wtf is this plastic

Additional Comments:

So I'm pretty torn here. One the one hand, it does what it says on the box. It's a zero hassle, no extra steps or config required game controller. You plug it into a USB port, and you're set. As I was looking for such a device and didint want to break the bank, I gave this one a shot. So, it gets full marks for their truth in advertising. The buttons are responsive, and have what I'd consider an amount of travel equal to a PS3 controller for a reference point in that regard. Not customizable, but you wouldn't be getting that at this price point so I won't deduct points for that. Though be aware that A B X Y buttons all were wiped clean off their respective buttons after literally one hour long gaming session on steam. Not sure how these were printed on, but they definetly should go back to the drawing board in this area. So why the low score? In all my years of using PC/gaming peripherals, I have never held a device that felt as cheap as this one. I don't know what kind of plastic they're using, but it's repulsive. It feels halfway between a smooth finish and a textured one, yet still feels like it would slip out of your hands if you applied any preassure to the grips. The only conclusion I've been able to reach is that the guys making this product literally do not have hands. Any human being with actual people hands would agree that this feels odd and not a pleasant experience at all. I covered the grips with some duct tape to solve this issue, but woooooooow was that a suprise upon getting home and opening it up. I guess you could wear gloves while you play instead.
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