Fractal Design Meshify C TG Light Tint Mid Tower Case, Black w/ Tempered Glass Window

MX72753 Meshify C TG Light Tint Mid Tower Case, Black w/ Tempered Glass Window
MX72753 Meshify C TG Light Tint Mid Tower Case, Black w/ Tempered Glass Window MX72753 Meshify C TG Light Tint Mid Tower Case, Black w/ Tempered Glass Window MX72753 Meshify C TG Light Tint Mid Tower Case, Black w/ Tempered Glass Window MX72753 Meshify C TG Light Tint Mid Tower Case, Black w/ Tempered Glass Window

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Wednesday, December 5, 2018
By: Bryan
From: Winnipeg

Excellent case, one minor flaw


-Good airflow -Lots of space to mount radiators and GPUs -Tinted window reduces distraction of LEDs -Filters are easy to remove for cleaning -Affordable price


-Front mesh panel removal isn't described in user guide -Top-mounted power button is a hazard for a**hole cats

Additional Comments:

I bought this case to replace a ten year old Cooler Master Centurion, and I am quite happy with it. My biggest complaint is that the power button is very conveniently placed on top...
... exactly where my stupid cat places his back paws when he jumps on top of the case.
Aside from feline-related issues and the aforementioned slightly confusing front mesh removal (I didn't realize one could go in through the bottom to pop it off), I am very satisfied with this case and would recommend it to others.
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