Targus Voyager II Backpack, 17.3in, Black

MX70587 Voyager II Backpack, 17.3in, Black
MX70587 Voyager II Backpack, 17.3in, Black MX70587 Voyager II Backpack, 17.3in, Black MX70587 Voyager II Backpack, 17.3in, Black

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Thursday, January 7, 2021
By: Mark
From: Edmonton

A great back pack for students, or for someone who travels


Looks good well built spacious hugs your back, not bulky feels slim but tall has an insulated food compartment the flip over cover gives it a unique look, and helps keep it standing upright when set on the ground easy on your torso with waist strap


might be too big if you're short or you just dont need much space straps need to be re-adjusted frequently because I keep tugging on them

Additional Comments:

Very nice looking, sturdy backpack with plenty of features and storage capacity. Very comfortable. Ive had it for a year and it is going strong.
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