Logitech Saitek Pro Flight X-56 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. System for PC w/ Individual Stick and Throttle Control Units, 4 Spring F.E.E.L. System

MX70554 Saitek Pro Flight X-56 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. System for PC w/ Individual Stick and Throttle Control Units, 4 Spring F.E.E.L. System
MX70554 Saitek Pro Flight X-56 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. System for PC w/ Individual Stick and Throttle Control Units, 4 Spring F.E.E.L. System MX70554 Saitek Pro Flight X-56 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. System for PC w/ Individual Stick and Throttle Control Units, 4 Spring F.E.E.L. System MX70554 Saitek Pro Flight X-56 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. System for PC w/ Individual Stick and Throttle Control Units, 4 Spring F.E.E.L. System MX70554 Saitek Pro Flight X-56 Rhino H.O.T.A.S. System for PC w/ Individual Stick and Throttle Control Units, 4 Spring F.E.E.L. System

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Average Rating: 2.5 / 5 With 2 Customer Reviews

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Friday, December 16, 2022
By: Craig
From: Calgary



Features for price, toggles and switches on the HOTAS


HOTAS Ghosting button presses. I tried USB powered hub, direct to the PC, monitor as recommended. Nothing helped. Turning off the RGB or buying a dedicated USB powered hub just to get a several hundred dollar purchase is fundamentally unacceptable. Stick mini analog joystick doesn't return to center. HOTAS throttle friction feel is disgusting. If you don't move the thrust it stiffens up. The friction adjustment is mostly fictional. The base doesn't stay secure. See thrust lever friction problem. Stick HAT switches are awkward. It's a reach to use all three effectively. Sloppy movement on the stick through the neutral position. Clunky feeling. RGB not really worth it. Static and no change or customization, other than color, through the Logitech software. Returning this first thing tomorrow. No wonder in store product replacement isn't offered on this...

Additional Comments:

I mean, maybe try it out? You might get lucky. Several YT's of the X56 HOTAS showing the poor wiring and exposed wires from the insulation coming off. I would never buy one used or without a warranty of at least 2 years.
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
By: Brett
From: Chilliwack

Great kit


All the options for beginner to enthusiast. Very comfortable stick, especially once you install the wrist rest. Very easy to set up. Customizable RGB colours and brightness


the smaller little joysticks for your thumbs are way too easy to hit by accident, which causes your POV in flight sim to go all bonkers. Considering disabling it or re-assign to some abstract function that doesn't matter if it gets toggled. The tilt adjust knob would be nicer if it dialed in more precise as well. If it's not bolted down, you're going to find the throttle moving around a bit too easily. Would have been great if they included suction pads as an option for the base at the very least.

Additional Comments:

Good kit. Had originally purchased the Thrustmaster Warthog kit but at around the $800 mark after tax, it didn't make sense for a casual gamer like myself. If ultimate quality is what you're after and you don't need the extra money, go with the Warthog. But this will definitely do the trick for Star Citizen and Battlefield :)
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