Z150 2.0 Speakers, Black
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Wednesday, December 23, 2020
By: Michael
From: Winnipeg
I own this for a couple months now they are nice speakers good sound quality from low to about 3/4 to max.
I think their great I paid a little to much for them tho at $29.99 I think they are only worth around $20.
Additional Comments:
I do recommend them but if your going to pay more then $20 don't get them.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
By: Lloyd Plueschow
From: Winnipeg
Inexpensive. Sound fine for basic system sounds. Music isn't as bad a I feared - actually better than expected. The on/off and volume dial is appreciated.
The speaker wire could be longer.
Additional Comments:
For basic system sounds these speakers work fine.
Friday, January 4, 2019
By: Simon
From: Vancouver
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
By: PaulF
From: Calgary
I got these recently at ME for my desktop office computer. They work exceptionally well! Plus they are AC powered so it isn't using up a USB slot. Good size real volume control knob (and off switch) with headphone jack and also an input for a 3.5mm plug from a phone, ipod, ipad, etc.
Hey for $30 bucks they are awesome! Logitech makes good stuff.
There is a wire between the right speaker over to the left one, I do wish it was about 2 feet longer for my layout but I can live with it as it is....
Price point!
Additional Comments:
Great quality and brand name.
Great price at ME, supporting our local Alberta company.
For $30 how can you go wrong?
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