Asus ZenFone2 Laser Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector

MX60148 ZenFone2 Laser Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector
MX60148 ZenFone2 Laser Anti-Blue Light Screen Protector

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 1.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Monday, May 23, 2016
By: Daren
From: BC

Absolute garbage.


Allows light to pass through. Adheres to screen. Fits. Protects screen. Lovely packaging.


Extremely low quality. Scratches very, very easily. Overpriced.

Additional Comments:

It's hard to believe ASUS put its name on scratch-prone piece of plastic garbage. Even dollar-store saran-wrap might be an improvement. This thing is the sort of stuff you can purchase for $1 (with free shipping) from Chinese mail-order companies - and even that's an insult to Chinese mail-order companies. Absolutely not recommend; do not buy.
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