Techly USB Extender By Ethernet Cable Adapter

MX59745 USB Extender By Ethernet Cable Adapter
MX59745 USB Extender By Ethernet Cable Adapter MX59745 USB Extender By Ethernet Cable Adapter MX59745 USB Extender By Ethernet Cable Adapter MX59745 USB Extender By Ethernet Cable Adapter

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Friday, April 2, 2021
By: Barry
From: Sherwood Park

Works Perfectly and exactely as advertised.


Used to connect to an Arduino Outside in the back yard that functions as my hot tub controller. This extended usb connection that is well over 100 feet has allowed me to modify and reload the modified Arduino software from my PC in the house for over a year now with absolutly no problems.



Additional Comments:

Couldn't be happier with this product that works exactely as advertised without having to install any additional drivers or software of any kind..
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