Thermaltake TG4 Thermal Grease, Tube

MX52886 TG4 Thermal Grease, Tube
MX52886 TG4 Thermal Grease, Tube MX52886 TG4 Thermal Grease, Tube MX52886 TG4 Thermal Grease, Tube

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 1.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
By: Amin
From: Edmonton

Electric Conductive


This product is probably Electronic conductive. Did not work for my application.

Additional Comments:

Electric Conductive! easily makes a short circuit!!!

Official Reply from Memory Express:

Thanks for your Review Amin.

Although we do not know your "application," it sounds... unique.

We are unsure how much Thermal Grease you used, but we do have a picture on the product's page that uses a typical amount for CPUs. Maybe overuse was the issue?

By design, Thermal Greases and Pastes are highly thermal conductive in part because they use powdered metal(s) in their construction. This makes them more thermally conductive, and to varying degrees, electonically conductive as well.

In the Computer Industry this is known and accepted as commonplace. When used between CPUs, GPUs and their cooling solutions, this in not a detriment.

Giving a product a 1 Star Review when it does not work well when used outside of it's designed purpose, which seems to be the case here, seems a little unfair.

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