Kingston DataTraveler Locker+ G3 USB Drive, 16GB

MX50141 DataTraveler Locker+ G3 USB Drive, 16GB
MX50141 DataTraveler Locker+ G3 USB Drive, 16GB

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
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Thursday, December 3, 2015
By: Andrew
From: Edmonton, AB

An excellent affordable product


Meets exactly what I was looking for. A secure USB stick to carry around finance and health files without fear of a security breach. 256 bit encryption is automatic without having to install and run another program for it to work. This is like an IronKey but without the premium price. Especially appreciate the aluminum metal casing, makes it feel sturdy instead of the cheap plastics we are seeing nowadays. Would recommend!


Can take 30 seconds longer to access your files vs a regular stick, but for this peace of mind.. worth it. I use a plain USB stick for all other files I could care less about, purpose met. Does not work with linux (that I know yet?)

Additional Comments:

Overall, an excellent and affordable product for security on the files you want kept safe. Best bang for your buck, complete with sturdy metal casing. Compatible with both MacOS and Windows without having to install any software. Unsure f this will work with linus however?
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