DEATHADDER V3 PRO Wireless Gaming Mouse, Black w/ 30,000 dpi Sensor, Razer Optical Mouse Switches Gen 3, 90 Hour Battery
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Friday, September 13, 2024
By: Richard
From: Calgary
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
By: Chase
From: Vancouver
- crazy light (around 60gr).
- low latency with stock recover during FPS game.
- a bit smaller than old death adder chroma so more people can use it with different hand sizes.
- no chord so it won't break.
-after using normal wired deathadder, this one feels a bit off. I am getting used to it, but some people might want to try v2 for the old style mouse.
Additional Comments:
This is about as good as it gets. Fast clicks without delay and very light.
I'm a big fan of Razer but my mice would always die from the cord breaking. I finally went wireless and can't notice any latency.
This mouse also has a 4ghz receiver you can buy off their website if you really want ultra low latency.
The reason I also like razor is their software, I adjust my x and y axis speed separately to suit my play style for each game - so it auto preloads.
If you are about fast pace gaming, I think this is a great product. My 3rd Razer mouse.
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