Lian Li Strimer Plus V2 24-Pin RGB Braided Power Extension Cable, 200mm w/ RGB LED Controller

MX00121156 Strimer Plus V2 24-Pin RGB Braided Power Extension Cable, 200mm w/ RGB LED Controller
MX00121156 Strimer Plus V2 24-Pin RGB Braided Power Extension Cable, 200mm w/ RGB LED Controller MX00121156 Strimer Plus V2 24-Pin RGB Braided Power Extension Cable, 200mm w/ RGB LED Controller MX00121156 Strimer Plus V2 24-Pin RGB Braided Power Extension Cable, 200mm w/ RGB LED Controller MX00121156 Strimer Plus V2 24-Pin RGB Braided Power Extension Cable, 200mm w/ RGB LED Controller

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.0 / 5 With 1 Customer Reviews

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Review Submission
  • 1
Monday, July 11, 2022
By: John K
From: Winnipeg

Great product!


Bright. Easy to install. Looks awesome. Can control the default setting.


Price. Must use the included RGB controller.

Additional Comments:

I bought this because I needed the 3 x 8-pin for my 3080 and I wanted them to match. The XPG version of this looks great too. The big difference seems to be that the Lian Li effects go up the length of the cables while the XPG does effects from cable to cable (wire to wire). Both look great. Too bad XPG doesn't make one that is 3 x 8-pin. This comes with the same controller the 3 x 8-pin comes with. Both require that controller, only one is required though. You can shut the controller off, and it will use the RGB controller from the motherboard. When you power off and boot again it will remember your setting unless you shut the main power off on the PSU. Last, although unlikely to be needed on the 24-pin, you can change the side of the cable the LEDs are on, so if you get a 1 in a million board with the connectors reversed, you can still use this cable. Controller patterns are nicer than the main board patterns, but controlling everything with them would be difficult. This is why I use the main board controller. Highly recommended for RGB junkies like me.
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