SuperNOVA 1300W P+ 80 Plus Platinum Fully Modular Power Supply
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Saturday, September 3, 2022
By: Andrew
From: Calgary
I cannot see any one other than 1300W power. I was expecting the unit to run cold, since I do not have such power load, and it is running cold up to now.
About the 80 Plus Platinum... can be checked only by professionals with additional tools, so I have reserves on that claim, I guess I will see on my first power bill.
The biggest weakness is actually the mechanical strength of the cables. SATA power cables can mechanically stress the SSD connectors, beware, it is very easy to damage an expensive SSD with a stiff power cable.
There are 3 SSD connectors on each cable which is hard to bend. There are really only 2 usable if you do not want to damage your SSD connector.
Additional Comments:
They really mean roughed cables... Honestly I do not know why these days the cables have so reduced flexibility.
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