Dark Core RGB PRO Wireless Gaming Mouse
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Friday, November 22, 2024
By: daryl callard
From: edmonton
none really. maybe the lack of rgb.
The black paint bubbles and falls apart after a couple months of use and scroll wheels dies even before that.
Additional Comments:
Do not buy. it's made horribly. Corsair has been horrible with mice lately. went through this and an m65 elite in a year; both scroll wheels.
Just went with the razer 35k dpi and it feels way better made in your hand, sadly I have corsair everything and it's left a bad taste recently.
Saturday, November 2, 2024
By: Dale Huhtala
From: Edmonton
Looks good - RGB is one of the best, on paper it has all the options for a gaming mouse
Doesn't work!
It is extremely difficult to pair via bluetooth - spent hours on it and finally had to revert bluetooth drivers to something different to make it work. Never had to do that with any other mouse. When connected by USB cable, it jumps all around and the mouse buttons don't work randomly, which makes it impossible to game with. The dongle works okay but I hate dongles. Finally, the scroll wheel started jumping all around after less than a year of use and now I can't use it for first person shooters because I can't change weapons.
So a total failure as a gaming mouse.
Additional Comments:
They need to just cancel this product and start again.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
By: Jeff
From: BC
I spent 2 weeks trying to get this thing to work on my machine, pritty lights came on, but I never got it to move the cursor. I get that nobody cares about Linux users, but to not even have basic functionality?
Additional Comments:
That made me decide never to buy another Corsair mouse.
Corsair's support team made me decide to never give them a single penny, ever again.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
By: Jay
From: Calgary, AB
-Nice looking
-Good weight (not light, but I like a heavy mouse)
-Thumb and pinky finger rests are fantastic
-Wireless feature works great as bluetooth or WIFI fob with no noticeable latency
Scroll wheel has gone twice in 3 months. Will no longer scroll, or will scroll in the opposite direction for a tick or two. Very frustrating.
The first instance I let slide and warrantied it (paying for shipping). I was without this mouse for weeks. The second instance caused me to disassemble the mouse to find poor contact with the scroll shaft (cheap plastic) not registering with the scroll detector. Moving the shaft further out from the detector solves this, but I cannot get it to stay in that position as any middle mouse clicks kind of reset the shaft back.
I am done with this overpriced LED junk. Back to Logitech 502 ($50) which lasted 6 years before "upgrading" to the corsair darkcore pro ($120).
Cheap switch for middle mouse button gets very loose very fast, making it easy to mis-click middle mouse.
Additional Comments:
Just don't.
Monday, April 15, 2024
By: Jeff Bell
From: Winnipeg
Good features, works with wireless dongle, bluetooth or USB
Very low quality mouse. Scroll wheel is the weakest point (when it worked). Now scroll wheel wheel jumps randomly. Common problem with Corsair mice.
Additional Comments:
Went back to my 8 year old Logitech mouse and works perfectly. Will never buy a Corsair mouse again after this. Talk about buyers remorse, $130 dollars down the drain. Should have stuck with Logitech!
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